We know you’ll want to start recording straight away, so we’ve included a simple (yet clever) mic stand to make sure you can get up and running even if you don’t have a full set-up for your studio yet.
We want to ensure we aren’t being wasteful with our product design, so challenged ourselves to create a mic stand from the packaging we were already using. We've reused the cardboard sheet inside the box, needed to protect your Scarlett in transit, to create a mic stand to get you recording straight out of the box.
To build your mic stand:
- Take out the rectangular cardboard piece at the top of your Scarlett Studio packaging.
- Tear and pull away the three sections shown below. The card is perforated to make this easier.
- Fold the card in half, keeping the text and graphics at the front.
- Carefully push the three small squares back into the card.
- Place your CM25 MkIII microphone into the holes as shown below. The microphone base will sit on the last indented piece of card.
When it's finished, your mic stand should look like this: