Applies to Legacy Saffire Interfaces.
As of Saffire PRO 2.0, S/PDIF and ADAT digital inputs are always 'ON' (unless you have disabled the ADATs for better CPU performance). This means that you no longer have to turn the digital inputs 'ON' or 'OFF'.
The functionality of the sync source status LEDs has also changed. 'Desired' sync source and 'active' sync source are now indicated as follows:
- GREEN LED: 'Active' sync source
- RED LED: 'Desired' sync source
When you select a digital input as the Saffire PRO sync source, this digital input becomes the 'desired' sync source until a different sync source is selected. If the digital input for the 'desired' sync source is physically connected and valid, the 'desired' sync source becomes 'active' (indicated by a GREEN LED).
If a sync source is selected while the digital cable is disconnected or invalid, the sync source will be set as the 'desired' source (indicated by a RED LED). If the 'desired' digital input is then physically connected, the 'desired' sync source will then become 'active' and the LED will turn GREEN. Similarly, if the digital cable of the 'active' sync source is disconnected (or if the source becomes invalid), the 'active' source will be reset to 'desired' (turning from GREEN to RED), and the 'active' sync source will be reset to internal.
Please note that the 'desired' sync source functionality works differently for word clock sync. If the word clock is turned on with no digital word clock cable connected, Saffire PRO detects this and automatically switches back to internal sync (leaving 'desired' sync as word clock).
This information is applicable from version 2.0 onwards. Please ensure that you have the latest version of the Saffire PRO software installed by visiting our downloads page.